Words of Peace International is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization based in California, USA, dedicated to sponsoring events and other avenues to present the message of Peace of Prem Rawat.

Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat is an international speaker who travels extensively to present a practical way to experience personal peace. He shares his message with people around the world through books, web content, media appearances, press coverage, peace education courses, and, live events and speaking engagements.

Words of Peace International together with Words of Peace Global, based in the Netherlands, sponsor a variety of small and large live events, where Prem Rawat is invited to speak about his unique perspective on life.

Upcoming Events

Confirmed events are listed below, and new events are added as soon as possible.

Donations made to Words of Peace International support these activities.

Donations FAQs

How can I increase, decrease or discontinue my recurring donation?

Please contact donations@wopintl.org to make any changes to your recurring donation, whether you’d like to increase, decrease, or discontinue it. We will make sure any requested changes are processed quickly and will confirm with you once they have been completed.

You can also call Words of Peace International on (805)388-1596 to make any changes.

How can I use a different credit card or bank account for a recurring donation?

Please write to donations@wopintl.org so we can cancel your current donation. You can then begin your new donation with up-to-date details by visiting www.wopg.org/donate or please call Words of Peace International on (805)388-1596 for further assistance.

How can I update my credit card’s expiration date?

Please write to donations@wopintl.org with your full name and new expiration date. Do not submit your credit card number to us by email, as email is not a secure way to transmit this information.

If you are a U.S. taxpayer, you can also call Words of Peace International on (805)388-1596 for a change in your credit card details. Do not submit your credit card number to us by email, as email is not a secure way to transmit this information.

Where can I send a check donation?

Contributions to WOPI can be sent to:

Words of Peace International
4607 Lakeview Canyon Road, #570
Westlake Village, CA 91361

Is it possible to make a wire transfer instead of paying with a credit card?

Please call Words of Peace International on (805)388-1596 for more information, or you can write to donations@wopintl.org.

How can I name Words of Peace in my will?

Please call Words of Peace International on (805)388-1596 for more information or you can write to donations@wopintl.org.

Are donations to Words of Peace International (WOPI) tax-deductible, and will I receive tax acknowledgement?

Donations to Words of Peace International are tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers.

Every February, donors will receive a year-end tax acknowledgement for the prior year’s donations. This can be submitted with your tax return. Please be sure to keep your contact information current to avoid delays in receiving your year-end acknowledgement. If you feel your contact information may be out-of-date, please send your current name, address and phone number to donations@wopintl.org.